Monday, July 18, 2011

Aotearoa Diaries....One


I don't know how would Maori's pronounce this one, New Zealand is easier for me...

It never crossed my mind, ever, that I would land here in New Zealand for onsite project work, forget about this country being my first international trip. Many, back home reacted Wow, that's a great place to be, very beautiful, romantic place on earth etc, some even said, Kiwi's are very handsome. I now agree to that as well.

If someone asked me, "Where is New Zealand on the world map?" I would have said near Australia or even, it comes before Australia. Only after finalising the trip, I checked it on the World Map!!!!

New Zealand is to the south of Australia and in South Western Pacific Ocean, it's an island country. As the name itself suggests it is the youngest country on the map where human habitation started. All this can be googled, I need not say much....

This is one such place I never thought, would land up, at least not for work. You think something and destiny plan something much better. After lots of confusion, postponements finally here I was at our very own BIAL( Bangalore International Airport) hiding my nervousness from my parents. Yes, I was nervous and emotional, first international flight, unknown country, people and away from India and all dear ones, this was enough to make me nervous at least for some time. Even though little nervous, there was mixed feeling, #403 had kind of become a home after Hubli..... Chalo, that can be a different blog altogether.

After all emotional Bye's and see off's, as I entered BIAL and checked in my luggage, which I thought would exceed airline limit, BIAL started to appear big, really big and I stranded all alone there. Then there I see my colleague, who was supposed to travel with me. Thanks to Travel desk for booking us on same flights. With some experienced company along, travelling looked easier. With all the excitement I boarded my flight to Hongkong. BIAL was the largest airport until I actually saw Hongkong airport, where we had to take trains to reach different terminals. BIAL suddenly seemed so small. Hongkong Airport, that is along the seaside and I cursed myself for taking the aisle seat and missing the views of Hongkong.

After small transit and skipped lunch, I boarded my flight to Auckland, New Zealand. Auckland is the only place in North Island with International Airport catering to flight beyond Australia and it is not the capital of New Zealand. Capital City is where  I was supposed to reach, Wellington. Long, tiring would be the best way to describe my flight to Auckland.
Changing flights from International to domestic with all my feather lite luggage was not easy but the excitement of being in NZ did all the magic.

One hour flight from Auckland to Wellington and here I am at the Capital of Aotearoa-New Zealand, Wellington, after almost 26 hours of travel with two transits. This time I had managed to grab a window seat and guess what, flight lands in Wellington cruising over the sea shore and the view I am sure was comparable to the Hongkong landing!!!!!!

From the day my travel was finalised, I wondered what was in store for me at Wellington and here was the answer, right on the walls of Wellington Airport - "Wild at Heart".

Aotearoa Diaries - New Zealand from my experiences......